31 Journal Prompts to Connect with Your True Self
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story within you.” – Maya Angelou
When I was eight years old, I received one of my favorite gifts – a diary. I cherished my first diary and loved that I could write ANYTHING in it and lock it up for no one to see. I loved that it was covered with teddy bears AND hearts too. I mean, who wouldn’t?!
This diary was the start of my journaling practice. The words that now fill my journals are much different, but the intention has always been the same – to express my true self without inhibition.
Journaling allows us to express our uncensored feelings and truths in safe and empowering ways. Journaling honors our voice and helps us connect with our essence.
When we journal consistently, we naturally embody who we truly are.
As we cultivate this part of ourselves, we often find the courage to carry our light out into the world and pursue what calls to us.
This has been true for me. I discovered my soul’s purpose and manifested each of my dreams by first writing them in my journal.
If you’d like to deepen your connection with yourself and find the courage to express your truth, pick up a pen and start writing.
Below, are 31 journaling prompts to connect with your essence and soul’s purpose.
At the top of your page, write one of the prompts listed below.
Set a timer for five minutes.
Write without stopping for the full five minutes.
Don’t censor, edit, or stop. Simply write whatever comes up.
I am…
I wish I could…
If only…
My soul wants to tell me…
My secret is…
I long to…
I am being called…
The truth I longed to hear when I was a young girl…
I believe that I…
Today is a new day…
The chains that have bound me…
If I was a bird…
My light…
My place in this world…
I am free…
This is my time to…
I feel…
My body…
I am ready to…
My comfort zone is…
What I really, really, really want to do is…
Something is beginning to emerge…
I have something to say to the world…
Yes, I can…
The little girl in me wants to…
It’s time I walk away from…
Nature is trying to tell me…
My prayer is…
I need…
When I look at the moon and the stars, I am reminded…
Just like a tree, I too…
A Final Thought
Life will pull us away from ourselves if we aren’t intentional about staying connected.
Journaling is a powerful tool that brings us back to ourselves.
So, tap into your truth and uncover your hidden desires.
Remember: Your voice matters. Your truth matters. You matter.
Craving more? download your free Connect to Your Higher Self Meditation.