Finding Your Life’s Purpose
In 2013 I did one of the riskiest things of my life. I quit my dream job to follow…a feeling.
For years, I believed that if I found my purpose, I’d be happy. So, I put all of my energy into building my career. You know, “my purpose.” In 2010 I was the youngest senior executive in my field and even though I enjoyed my job and lifestyle, I felt something was missing. I didn’t feel fulfilled in the way I thought I would after finding success.
So, I quit my dream job, asked God to bring me my best (not having a clue as to what that was), and set out on a journey to find meaning, fulfillment, and yes…purpose in my life.
I had to shed societal norms and my own beliefs to realize that a job, career, and even a dream would never bring me lasting joy. It took me a while to reach this understanding, but in time I discovered that my purpose and fulfillment would NEVER be found in an outside thing.
No outer thing would ever fill me up.
Finding my purpose was (and still is) about awakening to my divine nature – who I truly am. It’s about seeking to fulfill the highest, truest expression of myself and that’s not a destination. It’s a journey that’s fluid and constantly unfolding. Rather than finding purpose in a career, I have discovered meaning by simply being me. My purpose is to be authentic and allow God to be expressed through me each day.
I love nurturing others. That is why I am drawn to coaching, animals, and entertaining friends in my home. But, coaching and decorating aren’t my purpose. Nurturing is. When I express my nurturing side throughout each day, I am living purposefully.
I am finding joy and fulfillment by being me.
Fortunately, you don’t have to quit your dream job like I did to find fulfillment. You can set yourself up for success right now by examining the part of you that is yearning to be expressed. That’s the part of you that if expressed each day regardless of circumstances, will bring you lasting fulfillment and joy.